Your Ideas, Winona's Future Phase 2 survey now live
We’re inviting folks to share their thoughts on drafts of a vision and values for Winona.
Read the draft statements and take a quick 3-minute survey at
This survey is part of our engagement work for the City of Winona's new Comprehensive Plan. In Engagement Phase 1, we asked folks to share with us what they value about Winona, and what their hopes and dreams are for Winona’s future. Based on public comments received, draft statements of vision and values were created, with additional input from the Comprehensive Plan steering committee. Now, we are bringing these draft statements to the community to receive feedback. The survey is open through February 20.
What is a community vision? A community vision is a foundation for the comprehensive plan. The vision is a concise, overarching statement of the community’s aspirations for how the city should feel, look, function, and evolve over the next 20 years.
Want to learn more? The full Engagement Phase 1 report and all raw data are available at The project continues throughout 2022 with lots more opportunities to get involved and share input.
Take action
The City of Winona is also seeking residents interested in serving on Comprehensive Plan Update subcommittees. For more information about subcommittees for this project, please visit
What's this all about?
This fall, Engage Winona led the first phase of engagement for the City of Winona’s Comprehensive Plan Update, inviting residents to share their dreams and ideas for Winona’s future. The Comprehensive Plan Update will create specific, achievable goals that the city and community can work toward in a wide variety of topic areas, from land use to economic development to recreation and arts.
Engagement Phase 1, from October 2021 to January 2022, was designed to hear from a broad, representative cross-section of Winona. In this phase, we heard from over 2,000 community members using a variety of tools. We hosted community conversations, led targeted outreach to stakeholders and underserved populations, launched online survey tools, and hosted a pop-up booth at community gatherings. Find out what we heard.