#WhereInWinona Photo Contest!

Now through August 15: The #WhereInWinona photo contest! This summer, we're inviting Winonans to share their favorite places - with a selfie! This project is part of Engage Winona’s outreach for the City of Winona Comprehensive Plan Update.

We want to hear about your experience of community in Winona. We’re inviting all who live, work, or play in Winona to respond to one of these questions with a photo.

Where in Winona do you feel included?


Where in Winona do you have positive interactions with community members?

Here’s how the contest works:

1. Take a photo or selfie as your answer to the question. Include a short description!

2. Share your photo on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #WhereInWinona.

3. If you prefer not to share on social media, you can email your photo to engage@engagewinona.org or give us a call at 507-312-9133.

The contest runs from June 15 - August 15, 2022.

Every two weeks, we’ll give a gift card to a local business to one lucky winner! These prizes are offered by Engage Winona. You can submit a photo each week, but you can only win once.

This project is part of Engage Winona’s outreach for the City of Winona Comprehensive Plan Update. All submissions must be your own. Photos must be set to “public” and appropriate for all ages. We will share all submissions with the community when the project ends, and submissions may be used in the final Comprehensive Plan document.


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